FP Alpha Awards


Martin M. Shenkman goes in-depth on Decanting Trusts, an estate planning process that you can use to build referral relationships with attorneys. The video emphasizes the considerable benefits of Decanting Trusts, such as protecting assets, extending trust terms, and changing trustee powers, and how you can use this process to grow your client base.

Martin M. Shenkman walks you through the fundamentals of Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts (SLATs), which have emerged as popular planning tools among clients seeking to maximize their state tax exemption. The video covers the advantages of SLATs, and how you can use the process of creating one as an opportunity to build referral relationships with attorneys.

Martin M. Shenkman sheds lights on the Credit Shelter Trust, a common estate planning tool, and helps you understand their pitfalls and opportunities. The video showcases how AI software can evaluate clients’ estate planning documents and give summaries that can educate the client and build relationships with your attorney collaborators.